Speakers Session Chairs

Cécile Maisonneuve
La Fabrique de la Cité - France
Cécile Maisonneuve
Chairman of La Fabrique de la Cité, the urban innovation think tank since 2015, she is also a member of the scientific board of the Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS). She is a Senior Advisor to the Centre for Energy of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI).
She previously headed the Centre for Energy of IFRI. From 2007 to 2012, Cécile has held several positions in the AREVA group, dedicated to international prospective and public affairs. Cécile Maisonneuve began her career in 1997 in the French National Assembly as a civil servant, working successively for the Defence, the Law and the Foreign Affairs Committees. Cécile Maisonneuve graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure, the Paris Institute of Political studies, and the Sorbonne Paris IV-University in history. She has a long collaboration with various
French and international think tanks. She is the author of several research papers on energy and of a biography on Benjamin Franklin (2008). A former participant in the International Visitor
Leadership Program (IVLP) of the U.S. Department of State, she is a member of Vox Femina, an association promoting women’s empowerment as experts in media.

Paul Curtis
Associate Director International
VECTOS - Germany
Paul Curtis
Paul is Associate Director for Vectos and is an expert in sustainable urban mobility with more than 13 years’ experience in EU project delivery. This encompasses the fields of behaviour change, ITS, automated vehicles, clean urban transport, active travel, Mobility as a Service, electro-mobility, business models for new mobility services and the social aspects of transport. He manages Vectos’ portfolio of international R&D projects and transfers the knowledge throughout his company as well as to key public and private sector stakeholders.

Anne de Bagneux
Director of Group Strategy and Transformation
Transdev Group
Anne de Bagneux
Anne de Bagneux is an engineer graduated from Centrale Supélec Paris (1993). She began her career at Veolia Water in 1993, where she held operational positions in France until 2001. She continued her international career and became Managing Director of GUSCO - a Thai joint venture with Veolia Water. Since 2003, she has been developing and managing Veolia Water's activities in Asia: first as Head of Operations for the Asia-Pacific region and then, in 2005, as Head of the East and Central China Region. Upon her return to France in 2009, she joined SAUR as a member of the Executive Committee in operational functions. She was first appointed General Manager for the West zone and then, in 2012, General Manager of the Group's Leisure and Society division. In 2014, she joined SUEZ where she successively held the positions of Director of Public Works and then Director of Performance for the recycling and recovery businesses. She joined Transdev in May 2016 as Deputy Managing Director of Transdev France, in charge of the southern zone. In 2019, she was appointed Director of Group Strategy and Transformation and became a member of the Executive Committee.

Gilles Duchamp
Deputy Director of Departement
Cerema South-West - France
Gilles Duchamp
Gilles Duchamp, engineer, is deputy Director in a department in charge of mobility and infrastructure within Cerema.
Invested for more than 20 years in the fields of traffic management and road safety, he has led various operational or research and development projects, as well as several studies and expertise at the local, national and international levels. Qualified as international expert by the French Ministry of Transport in the field of sustainable mobility, he's mandatted as representant of Cerema at International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) within International Transport Forum (ITF) of OCDE.

Mohamed Mezghani
Secretary General
International Association of Public Transport - Europe
Mohamed Mezghani
Mr Mezghani has been working for more than 25 years in public transport and urban mobility related fields. Prior to his election, he was Deputy Secretary General, Knowledge Director and Senior Manager at UITP. He also worked as an independent consultant and Adviser to UITP on projects in Africa and the Middle-East. Before joining UITP, he has been working as consultant in the French group, BCEOM, particularly in the urban mobility field. He has managed and carried out projects including policy definition, technical assistance and research activities in several countries in Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and Arab countries. During his collaboration with the French Agency for Environment and Energy Management, ADEME, he carried out actions to identify and evaluate transport energy efficiency projects likely to be financed by the Agency in France. He is a graduate in Industrial Engineering from the Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, Tunisia, and has a Master in Transport from ENPC, Paris, France.

Pascal Bélot
Hydrogen LCV International Key Account Manager
PSA Groupe - France
Pascal Bélot
Graduate in International Affairs from the Audencia Business School / Ohio State University and from HEC-CPA Executive Programme
4 years in sport management and technical equipment for television producers
28 years of experience at PSA Groupe
12 years as sales manager / director, in 3 countries (France, Austria, Switzerland)
12 years of international B2B business development (China, Latin America, Russia then Europe)
4 years of international key account management, in the Light Commercial Vehicles Business Unit (PSA Groupe = leader of the Light Commercial Vehicles market, in Europe)
Currently, in charge of the launch of the first fuel cell electric vehicle of the PSA Groupe, which will be a light commercial vehicle (towards public and private customers, in Europe)

Liam Fassam
Directeur LIST Institutes
Université de Northampton – United Kingdom
Liam Fassam
Thought leader, Researcher & Implementer of collaborative logistics and supply chain social value solutions, with over 29 years Supply Chain Senior Leadership experience. Engaged as University Head of Research for Logistics, Supply Chain and Transportation, strategically leading impactful research allied to social impacts on societies connection to food logistics and supply chain resilience. In addition, am Director and founding partner of a Transformational Social Enterprise University spin out business tasked with building social value through logistics and transportation networks. Research expertise validated through numerous European Commission projects, such as seventh framework project (FP7-SME-2011) delivering subject matter expertise in UK and European rail/road intermodal markets, Horizon 2020 programs TinnGo (Women in transport), MG4.1 [AEOLIX] (Global logistics connectivity & ICT), MG4.4 [SPICE] (Public sector transportation policy) and IND CE 2017 [PolyCE] (Resource efficient circular economy supply chains) alongside UK Government research with the Department for Transport on Smart city transportation and the Government Office of Science delivering intelligence around freight and transportation futures (GO Science). Also engaged as expert adviser to Seafish (DEFRA) on food supply chain resilience, All Party Sustainable Resource Group in the areas of Supply chain and Food security (APSRG), and Office of the Government Chief Scientific Adviser around freight futures. Am a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society and appointed to the advisory boards of the Local Government Authority logistics strategy group, Non-Exec Director for SOCIETAL Value CIC, and twice awarded Global social media Influencer in the field of Supply Chain Management.

Jean-Luc Maté
Founder President
Jean-Luc Maté
Jean-Luc Mate is graduated from the Polytechnic Engineering school of Grenoble in microelectronics and computer architecture and from DUKE university MBA.
He is considered as one of the French automotive electronics pioneer thanks to his participation to the build up of the Renault Bendix JV in 1979 in Toulouse. Jean-Luc occupied many executive positions as VP R&D in powertrain, interior, chassis ADAS, cockpit module, E/E vehicle architecture, ITS and innovation for western Europe at Siemens Automotive.
His last position @ Continental was VP Engineering Services for France and Spain. During his 38 years career Jean-Luc contributed to major European and worldwide initiatives that structure the Automotive industry standards : Autosar, ERTRAC,ITS telematics and Eco driving with ERTICO. Jean Luc support continuous innovation in the development of Connected, Autonomous and Clean car. He is the founder of the automotive and mobility cluster in Occitanie Automotech and also the European Eureka cluster on Smart Electronic Systems EURIPIDES². Today he is president of a consulting company encouraging cooperation on innovative mobility services, business development of autonomous and connected cars and shuttles as well as integrated MaaS portal for smart cities. Jean-Luc maintain strong cooperation in all those mobility fields with Belgium, Canada, Germany, Finland, Italy, Norway, Netherland, Spain and UK.

Laurent Meillaud
LM consulting - France
Laurent Meillaud
Laurent Meillaud is an automotive journalist, focused since 30 years on mobility and energy issues. He's been following ITS congresses since the beginning. In France, he moderates regularlay conferences and congresses on electrification, connected and autonomous mobility. As a moderator, and as a consultant for the speakers program, this expert has been hired to assist Digital Aquitaine and Topos. Laurent has been involved in the ITS world congress in Bordeaux in 2015 and is delighted to participate to ITS4C.

François Cuenot
Secretary of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy
World Forum
François Cuenot
Francois Cuenot is the Secretary of the Working Party on Pollution and Energy of the World Forum for Harmonization of vehicle regulations of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. He is supervising the activities on technical regulations related to vehicle emissions and energy efficiency. He is also leading the work of the ForFITS model developed at UNECE that helps policy makers choose the most appropriate transport policies to mitigate climate emissions from transport in the long term. Previously, he worked as Senior Transport and Energy Officer at the International Energy Agency (IEA) where he worked in fuel economy policy deployment and long-term strategy to improve energy use and lower carbon emissions of the transport sector globally. He also has been a consultant working on sustainable mobility in regulatory development at the European level and capacity building for sustainable urban mobility in developing countries.

Sophie Gillaerts
Project Coordinator Traffic Management as a Service (TMaaS)
Mobility Company Ghent City Council
Sophie Gillaerts
Sophie Gillaerts is Project Coordinator at the Mobility Company of the Ghent City Council since 2016. She graduated at the universities of Ghent and Barcelona as translator and international relations expert and now has 10 years of experience as project coordinator for several organisations in Belgium and abroad. The focus of her work has been coordinating European funded projects. She was and is involved in mobility related projects such as Civitas Elan, where citizens were mobilized by developing with their support clean mobility solutions for vital cities, ensuring health and access for all, and the UIA funded project TMaaS (Traffic Management as a Service) where the team is currently researching how to inform cities and citizens better about mobility to make them smarter regarding the mobility choices they make and in managing their traffic. Other EU funded projects she was involved in were related to the development of innovative renewable energy solutions.

Robert Herrmann
President of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg
Eurometropolis of Strasbourg - France
Robert Herrmann
Robert Herrmann has been President of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg (Urban Community of Strasbourg until 1 January 2015) since April 2014. He was re-elected to the presidency on 4 January 2017 after 5 new municipalities joined the Eurometropolis.
He is also Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg in charge of Safety, Public Land and the Centre neighbourhood.
He is President of the Urban Planning, Construction and Architecture Programme agency (PUCA). He is President of the Strasbourg Urban Area Development and Urban Planning Agency (ADEUS). He is also Vice-President of the French Cross-Border Operational Mission (MOT).

David Caubel
Chef de projet transversal Innovation et territoires
Ministère des Transports, au cabinet de la Direction générale des infrastructures, des transports et de la mer (DGITM) - France
David Caubel
PhD in Economics, Transportation Economics
Project leader for the French Mobility platform (the DGITM of the Ministry of Transport).
National referent for the territorial engineering action and for the financing action of the France Mobilités approach.
For more than ten years, expert on mobility with a specific focus on low-density territories and social issues. I have :
- Initiated sustainable city standards on a European scale
- Implemented approaches to take into account the economic and social vulnerabilities related to mobility costs
- Participated to implement and/or experiment innovative and sustainable mobility solutions in many French rural and mountain territories (from the scale of Regional Natural Parks to the community of communes scale)
- Provided expertise on the experimental and innovation components in the Assises nationales de la mobilité

Annela Anger-Kraavi
Senior Research Associate
Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership United Kingdom
Vice-Chair of the UNFCCC-SBSTA
Annela Anger-Kraavi
Annela is a macroeconomist who enjoys working closely with industry, policymakers and environmental campaigners as well as with scientists from other disciplines.
Annela is Vice-Chair of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA); an Adviser on international climate change policy and negotiations to the Estonian Ministry of the Environment; a College Research Associate in Economics at Emmanuel College in Cambridge; and Chief Executive of the Cambridge Trust of New Thinking in Economics.

Bertrand Barthélémy
Flowbird - France
Bertrand Barthélémy
In January 2011, Bertrand Barthélemy was appointed President of Parkeon, a leader in payment and ticketing solutions for parking and mass transit. Parkeon became Flowbird in 2018.
Before joining Parkeon, Bertrand Barthelemy was the CEO of Capgemini Managed Business Services. He was a leading manager in transforming Capgemini into an industrialized and innovative company which offers Business Processes Management. He has more than 20 years' experience with leading global corporations and France's Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. He used to manage several Business units within France and managed Capgemini France Technical Services before taking to join the Group management Board.
Before joining Capgemni in 1999 as Managing Director of the Industry Division Bertrand Barthélemy used to serve as the Director of Strategy for Aster, one of the three branches of Usinor (the former French steel manufacturer, now part of Arcelor-Mittal). He spearheaded the successful strategic sale of Aster.
Previously, from 1989 to 1997, Mr. Barthelemy was a civil servant in the French Administration. Accountable for economic issues and trade union relations, he was a special advisor with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs under Mr. Jacques Barrot.

Marc Mortureux
Directeur général de la Plateforme automobile (PFA)
Plateforme Française de l'Automobile - France
Marc Mortureux
Graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole des Mines, Marc MORTUREUX was, from 2008 to 2009, the chief of staff of Luc CHATEL, then minister of Industry. In this position, Marc Mortureux led the Etats généraux de l’automobile, in the context of the crisis , very hard for the sector. As a result, he prepared, next to Luc CHATEL, the Car Pact signed, on 9 February 2009, by the french President.
He held the post of Deputy Director General of the Institut Pasteur from 2005 to 2008, Director General of ANSES, a public institution of 1350 people with a budget of 135 million euros, of which he became the from 2010 to 2015.
Before joining the PFA in March 2018, Marc MORTUREUX was, since 2015, the Director General of Risk Prevention at the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.

Alan Lewis
Technical Developement Diretor
Smart Freight Center
Alan Lewis
Alan Lewis is Technical Development Director at Smart Freight Centre. As such he has responsible for the overall development of SFC’s program of initiatives that are developed under the overall banner of the Smart Freight Leadership Framework. The first of the component guidelines is the GLEC Framework for Logistics Emissions Methodologies; Alan has led the development of the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) for SFC, since its inception in 2014. The GLEC is a global, industry-led partnership that is successfully harmonizing methods for carbon footprinting of freight transport across modes and global regions.
Alan has 25 years of experience of working on sustainable transport projects, working with UK consulting firms TTR and AEA Technology, particularly relating to the emissions impacts of urban transport and freight activities. He was part of the team which established the UK Transport Energy Best Practice Programme which evolved into the successful Freight Best Practice Programme, co-ordinated the South London Freight Quality Partnership for 6 years and was in charge of the networking and outreach activities of the European COFRET project. He was also heavily involved in several projects as part of the EC’s CIVITAS programme. He has a PhD in Materials Science from Cambridge University.

François E. Guichard
Mechanical Engineer, Secretary of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
François E. Guichard
Francois E. Guichard is the Secretary of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles. He is supervising the activities on technical regulations related to vehicle automation and vehicle connectivity. He is the Intelligent Transport Systems and Automated Driving focal point of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Previously, he worked as line manager at Daimler AG, he advocated for the introduction of Advance Emergency Braking Systems (AEBS) in the legislation (a relevant contribution for increasing road safety). Before that, he advised a number of Countries on their strategies to tackle environmental issues after having gained experience as a noise / Greenhouse Gas / pollutants emission testing engineer. He started his career as International Management Associate at Mercedes-Benz, gaining experience in Germany, South Africa and in the United States of America.

Anna Kramers
PhD, Program Director Mistra SAMS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Mistra SAMS
Anna Kramers
Anna Kramers is a Master of Science in Civil Engineering and holds a PhD in Environmental Strategic Analysis with a focus on smart cities and digitalization for environmental aims. Anna has over 20 years of experience from the IT and telecom sector and currently work as a researcher at KTH. She is the program director for the research program Mistra SAMS (Sustainable Accessibility and Mobility Services). Her research is about how digitalization can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from transport and mobility.

Brigitte Desveaux
Vice-President of the urban community of la Rochelle in charge of transportation and mobility
Communauté d'Agglomération de La Rochelle
Brigitte Desveaux
Vice-President of the urban community of la Rochelle in charge of transportation and mobility. Member of the city council of la Rochelle. Member of the board of the club of cyclable cities. She is member of the political party « les Verts » , The Greens since 1997. As vice president of the urban community of la Rochelle (28 municipalities,170.000 inhabitants) located along the Atlantic coast, she is in charge of mobility. Her current professionnal activity is as managing director of an intercommunality of 60.000 inhabitants. Before that, she held various managing positions in environment, general services, economic development and planning for various municipalities. She holds a masters degree in social sciences from the University of Toulouse. She lives in couple and has 3 children.

Elodie de Recy
Head of the Paris Office
European Investment Bank Group
Elodie de Recy
Elodie started her career with with Arthur Andersen as a Senior consultant. She then joined Cheuvreux de Virieu (Crédit Agricole Group) in proprietary trading and brokerage activities on equity and equity derivatives.
She moved to Luxemburg to the European Investment Bank as an auditor in Inspectorate General, after which she worked on Policies for Lending in Europe. She then became Deputy Head for Corporate and Banking in Western Europe (France, UK, Belgium, The Netherlands, Ireland and Luxembourg). She subsequently took the responsibility for private sector operations in France at the EIB office in Paris. She was appointed Head of the EIB Group Paris Office in 2016. Elodie holds a MBA from EM Lyon in France.

Laurent Chevereau
MaaS expert
Laurent Chevereau
As a public works engineer, Laurent Chevereau has been working for 15 years on transport supply data. He is currently leading Cerema's activities in the field of mobility as a service (MaaS).
He began his career by carrying out modeling and assessment studies about transport projects before becoming Cerema's referent on transport supply data and multimodal information.
As an expert, he contributes to the national working groups initiated by Minister Elisabeth Borne in 2018 on data and MaaS, working groups on the National Access Point, working groups with regions about multimodal information ans MaaS, and represents state services in open data events.

José Viegas
Managing Partner(PFA)
José M Viegas, Consultores lda.
José Viegas
José Viegas was Secretary-general of the ITF (International Transport Forum at the OECD) between August 2012 and August 2017. At the ITF he led a program of structural reform and brought it to the forefront of innovation in transport policy, strongly increasing collaboration with both the corporate and the institutional parts of the transport sector. Some ITF reports have become worldwide references in their respective domains.
Prior to joining the ITF, José Viegas was Full Professor of Transportation at the University of Lisbon, where he was national Director of the Transport Area of the MIT-Portugal program, Head of Research Unit on Transport Infrastructure, Systems and Policy. He was coordinator of more than a dozen research projects for the European Commission between 1995 and 2010, and a member of the High-Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Mobility appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon, 2015-2016.
He is currently a managing partner at José M Viegas consultores Lda, advising on Sustainable Mobility and Strategic Change, having been the Methodological Coordinator of the “Sustainable Mobility for All” project (lead organization: World Bank), and Responsible for the Strategic Framework concept of the “Transforming Urban Mobility” project at the WBCSD.

Martí Jofre
Martí Jofre
Martí Jofre is CEO at FACTUAL and ITS Business Manager at Pildo Labs. He holds a Master’s Degree in Telecommunications, for both Telecom Paris and Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and a Master in Marketing Management for EADA Business School. He accumulates a wide experience in the definition, fundraising and management of R&D and innovation projects, mostly related to satellite navigation applications and urban mobility, obtained at companies such as European Space Agency (ESA), Centre de Tecnologia Aeroespacial (CTAE) and European GNSS Agency (GSA).

Brylie Christopher Oxley
Senior Software Developer
MaaS Global
Brylie Christopher Oxley
Brylie works to support stakeholder awareness in areas such as finance, planning, and environmental impact. His overarching goal is to promote sustainability, both within the company and in the broader ecosystem. His hero and role model is Greta Thurnberg, who works tirelessly to promote collective action in the face of our current climate emergency.

Wolf Engelbach
Head of mobility concepts, climate and digitalisation
Ministry for Mobility Baden-Württemberg
Wolf Engelbach
Dr. Wolf Engelbach studied spatial planning in Dortmund and completed his PhD in Aachen. For 20 years he managed European and national research projects at Fraunhofer IAO in Stuttgart, focussing on information management and cooperation of different actors. Since 2017 he is head of a unit at the Ministry of Mobility in Baden-Württemberg. In this role he is responsible for general mobility concepts, digital mobility, climate protection and European politics. This includes the Strategiedialog Automobilwirtschaft, a long-time discursive format to reflect the necessary steps towards a climate responsible mobility with major automotive companies as well as with cities, science and NGOs.

Sébastien Capelle
Mobility Director - Smart Cities
Orange Business Services - France
Sébastien Capelle
Sébastien Capelle is a transportation and mobility specialist. He leads this thematic sector for more than 10 years at Orange Business Services.
He is also General Secretary of ATEC ITS France Association, open to all actors involved in smart mobility.

Nicolas Beaumont
Senior Vice President Sustainable development and mobility
Michelin Group - France
Nicolas Beaumont
Nicolas Beaumont’s 27 years within the Michelin Group enabled him to hold different positions in the USA, in India and in Europe.
Prior to assuming his current role, Nicolas Beaumont served as :
- CEO of Michelin Travel Partner (Michelin leisure, food and travel related activities)
- President and Managing Director of Michelin India TamilNadu Tyres Pvt Ltd located in Chennai. He was responsible for setting up Michelin Operations in India.
- Worldwide Supply Chain Manager of Michelin’s Earthmover Tyre Product Line
Since joining the Michelin Group, he has held other positions in Research, Development, Production management.

Isabelle Dussutour
Director of EU and International affairs
Isabelle Dussutour
I am in charge of EU projects in the field of mobility for the cluster ID4CAR, which gathers together more than 300 members in Brittany, Pays de la Loire and Nouvelle Aquitaine. I also work on international scientific and commercial relations supporting our members in their internationalisation strategies. I have a background working for the EU, with a strong empathize on ITS and environmental issues. I develop our members’ participation in EU project as partners and/or leaders, and develop demonstration sites in the Great West cities, especially for autonomous vehicles, deployment of new vehicles and Mobility As A Service solutions.

Jaap Vreeswijk
Traffic Architect C-ITS
MAP Traffic Management – Netherlands
Jaap Vreeswijk
Dr.ir. Jaap Vreeswijk is Traffic Architect Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) at MAP traffic management since 2015. He graduated at the University of Twente as a civil engineer specialised in ITS and later received his PhD degree in travel choice behaviour. Jaap has over 10 years’ experience in international research, innovation and pilot projects on smart mobility and CAD. The focus of his work is adapting and advancing infrastructure and traffic management through new innovations and technologies. Currently, Jaap is active in the EU-funded projects TransAID and MAVEN on centralised management for automated vehicles; SOCRATES 2.0 on interactive traffic management; C-Mobile and C-Roads on C-ITS deployment, and MyCorridor on Mobility-as-a-Service.

Jérémie Almosni
Chef de service Transports et Mobilités
Jérémie Almosni
As an energy and environment engineer, Jérémie Almosni first practices at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (study of secondary pollutants in California's indoor air). He t spent four years in the field of the exploitation of energy networks and four others in the GRDF strategy on biomethane and NGV. He joined ADEME at the beginning of 2018 at the head of the "Transport and Mobility" department, which helps communities and businesses to accelerate the energy transition in this sector.

Raphaël Cherrier
Raphaël Cherrier
Raphaël is a data science expert, entrepreneur and the CEO of Qucit. He’s been programming and playing with numbers since primary school and has always been passionate about two things: understanding the world through mathematical modelling and protecting the environment.
Raphaël entered the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon at 18, the youngest in France, and earned a PhD in Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems. He then took a tenure as a researcher, working on CO2 storage with the goal of reducing green house gas emissions.
In September 2013, he left his research position to create Qucit and work full time on improving urban mobility using Artificial Intelligence. He completed his formation at HEC Paris where he was awarded the Prize for Best Business Plan by a jury of experts, entrepreneurs and investors.
Raphaël is also the co-founder of the association of theatrical improvisation « Restons Calmes ! » which is well-known in Bordeaux, one of the top 0.1% biggest users of the VCub (Bordeaux bikeshare system), a black belt in taekwondo, skydiver and tango dancer.

Stéphane Barbier
Chief Business Development Officer
Stéphane Barbier
Stéphane is currently Chief Business Development Officer of TRANSPOLIS - a unique urban mobility lab dedicated to automated vehicles and connected infrastructures - in charge of marketing & communication and the global business development on 3 continents (Asia, Europe, North-America).
Stéphane holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Lyon and has received training in Strategic Management from EML the Lyon Business School.
He is also an Ambassador for Handicap International acting internationaly for the respect of civil rights.

Nour-Eddin El Faouzi
Deputy Head of Department
Univ. Lyon, IFSTTAR – France
Nour-Eddin El Faouzi
Prof. Nour-Eddin EL FAOUZI has over 26 years of professional, academic and research experience in the areas of traffic Data Analytics, traffic modeling and management, intelligent transportation systems, multimodal systems modeling and optimization. He has served as principal investigator on various funded research projects sponsored by international, European, national, state, and metropolitan agencies and private industry. He is Deputy Director of IFSTTAR “Components and Systems” department, Head of the Transportation and Traffic Engineering Laboratory at IFSTTAR (The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport and Networks), and Chair of the European Society of Traffic Management and Control – VCE NEARCTIS. Moreover, he is Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia since 2013. He has served in an advisory capacity to various institutes and programs and has performed several program assessments of leading international research institutes and corporate R&D departments. He is member of Transportation Research Board committee on Surface Transportation Weather. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research and acted as a guest editor for numerous special issues of top journals. Prof. Nour-Eddin EL FAOUZI received his Ph. D. in Applied Mathematics from Montpellier University in 1992 and a Post-Doctoral Degree (HDR) in Traffic modelling from Lyon University in 2008.

Francisco Ferreira
Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal
Francisco Ferreira
Francisco Ferreira is an associate professor with the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT NOVA) and a researcher in CENSE – Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research.. He holds a degree in Environmental Engineering from FCT NOVA, a master's degree from Virginia Tech, USA and a PhD from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He has been developing work in the areas of air pollution, climate change, and sustainable development. He recently coordinated the National Air Quality Strategy for 2020 and the transport area within the National Carbon Neutrality Roadmap for 2050 for the Portuguese Environmental Agency. He is also the President of the most active national environmental non-governmental organisation ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System.

Frédéric Mazzella
Frédéric Mazzella
Since pioneering the idea for BlaBlaCar in 2004, Frédéric has led the company to become the world’s largest long-distance carpooling community. As a branding and communications enthusiast, Fred has built a global brand whilst relentlessly spreading the word about the virtues of carpooling. Frédéric carries BlaBlaCar’s vision of a people-powered travel network enabled by trust and technology, and is passionate about high social impact solutions. Frédéric is a regular speaker at leading international conferences and in the media, where he comments on the fast changing mobility landscape, entrepreneurship, global marketplaces and building trust in online communities.
Prior to founding BlaBlaCar, Frédéric held the role of scientific researcher at NASA (USA) and NTT (Japan). He holds an MBA from INSEAD, a Masters in Computer Science from Stanford and a Masters in Physics from Ecole Normale Supérieure (France). Frédéric is also an accomplished classical pianist.

Suzanne Hoadley
Senior Manager – Traffic Efficiency
Suzanne Hoadley
Suzanne is Senior Manager at Polis with responsibility for activities related to ITS and network management. She has worked at Polis since 2001. Her main task involves facilitating knowledge transfer and debate among Polis members on topical issues and emerging themes related to ITS and network management, including multi-modal network management, open data, open systems/interoperability, C-ITS, automation and MaaS. Suzanne has edited policy papers on several of these themes, with the aim of bringing forward the views of Polis member cities and regions to the European institutions and other stakeholders. In addition, Suzanne coodinates Polis’ involvement in European projects and represents Polis on various platforms including the EC’s Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) platform and the Amsterdam Group.

Martial Chevreuil
Martial Chevreuil
Martial Chevreuil has over 30 years of experience in the field of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). Until July 2019, he was Business Innovation Director at Egis in charge of developing new offers in disruption with the existing market.
Since 1989, year of entry at Egis, he has played a leading role in numerous projects in France and overseas, concerning deployment strategy and implementation of ITS solutions.
He is one of the members who founded ATEC-ITS France and was chairman from 2008 to 2011 of the PIARC technical committee B2 on road operation and ITS.
Graduated engineer from Ecole Centrale de Paris, Martial worked for ten years at the French Department of Transport, where he was initially in charge of traffic forecast and became responsible for the national traffic information policy, the co-ordination of operations for summer holiday traffic (Bison Fûté), and the development of new technologies in traffic information centres.